Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Expectant Elizabeth: 23 Weeks!

Gender?  Baby Boy!!

Size?  Large Mango - yummy! Haha. Just over a pound and over 11 inches long!
Weight Gain? 20 lbs! That was as of week 20 and my doctor scolded me for gaining too much weight too quickly so I haven’t gained a pound since.
Stretch marks?  None yet, still have to keep up with the lotion – found the best one when Sean gave me the “Mommy” gift set from
Maternity clothes? I finally broke down and bought some maternity pants! My MIL gave me a gift card for my birthday to Destination Maternity (thanks Jessica!) so I bought some work pants and tops. I’m using the rest to buy a bathing suit for our upcoming Charleston trip. And my sister was very nice in giving me bags of her old maternity clothes! And a best friend gave me her maternity jeans which are SO comfy. Way better than using the belly band.
Sleep?  Meh, with all that’s going on it takes me a while to get to sleep at night. But then when I do I’m out like a light!
Miss Anything? Alcohol!! My small waist. And running. It’s just too uncomfortable now.  
Cravings? Nothing crazy but still loving fruit. And pickles – althought I’ve always liked pickles! And hot dogs with dill relish (heat to steaming, of course).

Symptoms? Does weight gain count? Lol. Nothing terrible as of yet aside from the skin problems!
Belly button? Still in, but I’m sure it will pop at some point because it’s more shallow every day! Sean can’t wait as he knows my belly button phobia. Jerk!
Best Moment this week? All of the baby movement! This little boy is a kicker (or puncher!).

Looking forward to?  Finding a new house so I can NEST. We sold ours so quickly but have yet to find one. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Exercise? As mentioned above, running is kind of uncomfortable due to the size of my belly so I’ve switched to walking. I also found the best pregnancy strength training DVD on 

Lots of things have been going on - hence me not being on here as much - I'll explain later!

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