Tuesday, May 1, 2012

16 weeks

How far along?   16 weeks
Size of the little one?  The books say 4.5 inches, about the size of an avocado!

Gender?  Don’t know yet, but can’t wait!!
Weight Gain? 7.5 pounds
Stretch marks?  None yet, still have to keep up with the lotion.
Maternity clothes?  Not yet, although a good friend lent me her maternity jeans in case I need to break them out. So far, getting by with the belly band for my office clothes, and leggings, and dresses for outside of work.
Sleep?  Good so far minus the waking up in the middle of the night for bathroom trips. Still have to get those 8 eight hours though!
Miss Anything? Again, wine. And it's annoying to have to constantly think about what I'm eating (is this healthy? is this on the "do not eat" list? etc etc)

Cravings? Still nothing crazy. But fruit - love berries! In fact, for my birthday at work this year I preferred a tart from Wegmans rather than my usual double chocolate! Weird for me? YES. I've heard that if you crave chocolate, this means it's a girl. So perhaps another sign that it's a boy?

Symptoms? HORRIBLE acne. Worst it's been in my life. Yeah, that glowing skin they say pregnant ladies get? Not so much. I knew that it would probably be my luck to make my skin so haywire, but not THIS bad!!
Belly button? Still in, but I swear it's becoming rounder - is that possible? I've always had this phobia of having my belly button touched so this is torture and I am dreading an "outie".
Best Moment this week? Trying to figure out if it's the baby I'm feeling move. I've been getting those "butterflies" and the doc said they sometimes start as early as 16 weeks...but it could be my imagination.

Looking forward to?  putting our house on the market next week!!! This has been super stressful so one more thing out of the way and off the list is such a relief.

Exercise? Started running and Pilates again!

1 comment:

  1. Acne is said to be girl because she steals your beauty. But I didn't have any acne during pregnancy and ended up having a girl! Now I'm getting some acne so maybe mine was just in reverse?
