Tuesday, November 13, 2012

1 Month

It's hard to believe but on November 7th, our little love turned one month old!!! Time seems to be both flying by and moving at a snail's pace (more on that later) but we are trying to savor every moment with this baby C-rad!

Dear Conrad,

Time seems to be flying by in that it feels like just yesterday we woke up in the middle of the night to your announcement of "hey! I'm going to come today". We were pregnant for what seemed like forever but now it feels like the blink of an eye - and here we are one month later.

Our days are filled with lots of eating, some sleeping, lots of diapers, and lots of fussiness after 2pm. You are eating more and more like a big little boy - you must be going through a growth spurt! Mommy now calls herself the Milk Machine.

You seem to love sleep between midnight and noon, in intervals of course (which is good for Mom!); but after 2pm you have to pretty much be held when you are awake otherwise it's fuss, fuss, fuss! All the baby books and other mothers say this is a phase and will pass but it seems to be taking forever (hence the "snail's pace" listed above). It's a good thing you are so cute!

Thank goodness for Daddy and grandparents so that after your last morning feeding between 6 and 7 am they can take you so Mommy can get an extra nap in to make up for the night time feedings. Or take a shower. Or brush her teeth.

You've also now attended your first wedding, had your first Halloween, and have witnessed (kind of) numerous Redskins games (unfortunatey they were losses - cheer harder Conrad!!).

You now seem to like your vibrating seat and we can get you to smile with neck kisses and tickles. It's amazing how much you change from week to week and we are cherishing every moment (even the fussy ones) with you.

Love you lots,

The Milk Machine & Daddy

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