Thursday, November 8, 2012

3 Weeks

Ok, so this is a little late, but here's Conrad's 3 week update:

Dear Conrad,

You amaze your Mommy and Daddy every day with how much you are growing. We love that you are now more alert and awake throughout the day - your eyes seem to be getting a little more blue so we'll see how they are soon! You are feeding pretty well although you have some tummy troubles so sometimes you don't like feeding or burping - but you are learning!

When you are awake you love to lay on your play mat and look outside. Right now you don't like your bouncy seat too much but you love your swing. And of course, you LOVE being held, rocked, and cuddled by anyone around you. Sleeping through the night isn't happening yet but you're getting better with 3 to 4 hour stretches at a time and when you wake up you usually feed and go right back to sleep. Now we just need you to take more solid naps during the day!

These past few weeks you have been out shopping with Mommy - you're a great shopping buddy - to lots of different places. We've also been on lots of walks although you sleep most of the time. I think you really like the car and stroller because it keeps you moving!

Grandma and Grandpa, Nana and PopPop and all your aunts and uncles love you so much. Even all the patients and workers at Daddy's office think you are too cute; the jury is still out on who you look like more but we'll see!

Loving you and this great adventure,

Mommy & Daddy

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